Top 10k strings from Music Maestro (1989)(Torchraven)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 machine=48
   3 machine=128
   3 (a(selection)/256
   2 pointer,a(selection)-(256
   1 selection>objects
   1 selection>0
   1 selection=0
   1 selection=
   1 selection < 0
   1 position=position+l(i)
   1 position=49000
   1 position+l(i)>62966
   1 pointer=63010
   1 play      J
   1 n$(objects,12
   1 n$(i);" ";
   1 n$(i),l(i)
   1 l(objects)
   1 flag=63007
   1 b$=b$+" ":
   1 a(selection)<0
   1 a(objects)
   1 a(i)=position
   1 a$="MUSIC MEASTRO":
   1 a$=" "+a$+" "
   1 WAVE.MOB  
   1 TEST.MOB  
   1 SONG.MOB  
   1 SET_INT   
   1 INT       l
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;"ape or a";
   1 ;"Enter machine type:";
   1 ;"Does you machine have a:";
   1 ;" SELECT ";
   1 ;" > ";selection
   1 ;" ";n$(i);" ";
   1 *objects)+1
   1 ***********************To use this routine, once  initialised, you can use:  GO SUB 9400 which brings up   the list of tunes loaded   and the user can then      select one to play, or  GO SUB 9700 which sets up     the arrays, and then any   time a tune is wanted to   be played,               LET selection=<tune_#>     GO SUB 9800
   1 ***********************To turn of a tune:         LET selection=-1           GO SUB 9800
   1 ***********************This routine sets up the   name ( n$ ), address ( a ) and length ( l ) arrays forthe tunes. If a tune will  not fit in memory, then itsaddress is set to -1 and itcan nott be played.
   1 ***********************This is a silly test       program so that you can seeit works.
   1 ***********************The following line is a    patch for 48K machines.
   1 ***********************Set up some variables      according to the machine   type:                        machine  : Machine type               ( 128 or 48 )   tape     : If the machine             has a tape      device   : Which sound                device the                 machine has                 0=BEEP
   1 ***********************Play selected tune
   1 ***********************Now, if this is a 128      machine, load the interruptinitialisation routine
   1 ***********************Now load the objects
   1 ***********************Now load the interrupt     routine
   1 ***********************Now let the user select oneof the tunes
   1 ***********************Now initialise the         interrupts
   1 ***********************Lower memory to store the  tunes and the interupt     routine
   1 ***********************Get type of machine, a 48K or one of the 128. The 128Kmachines need to do some   extra things because of theway that thier memory is   accessed.
   1 ***********************Display that this file can not be loaded because thereis not enough memory.
   1 ***********************Becuase 128 machines may   have either a tape or disk ( 128/+2 or +3 ) we have toget if the machine has a   tape or disk
   1 ***********************
   1 "YOU ARE NOW IN BASIC"''"Type 'RUN 9000' to select"'"another tune or 'RUN' for a demo"
   1 "WAVE.MOB",455
   1 "TEST.MOB",230
   1 "Start the tape"''
   1 "SONG.MOB",410
   1 "Press a key, and I will play"'"tune ";selection
   1 "Loading objects"''
   1 "ARABES.MOB",1379
   1                A